Yksinkertaisessa kaulahuivi-kaulurissa on 27 s + 2 reunasilmukkaa. Kuvioneule on 3 sileää, 3 ainaoikein ja reunasilmukat on joka kerroksella neulottu. Punontakohdassa on jokaisessa pylväässä 3 s + 2 reunasilmukkaa, eli kavensin 1 silmukan jokaisen ainaoikeinneule-osion keskellä.
I finished two must-be-knitted projects, which I will introduce later. I decided to knit a fast scarf for my older daughter. This scarf inspired me to do this weaved collar.
This very simple collar is knitted with 27 sts + 2 edge sts. The pattern is 3 sts in plain stockinette and 3 sts in garter. The edge stitches were knitted, not lifted. Weaved stockinette bars are knitted with 3 sts + 2 edge sts, meanin that I had to decrease 1 st in the middle of every garter stitch columns.
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